Discussion Forum : Relations And Functions Ii
Question -

Let A be the non – empty set of children in a family.  The relation ‘x is a brother of y’ in A is

A .   reflexive
B .   symmetric
C .   transitive
D .   an equivalence relation
Answer: Option C
Let R denotes the relation ‘is brother of ‘.  Let X ϵ A.  If x is a girl, then we cannot say that x is brother of x.
(x,x) /ϵ R    R is not reflexive.
Let (x, y)    ϵ R                   x is a brother of y.
y may or may not be a boy.
we cannot say that (y, x) ϵ R.
R is not symmetric.
Let (x, y) ϵ and (y, z)  ϵ R.
x is a brother of y and y is a brother of z
is brother of z (x, z)  ϵ R
R is transitive.
The correct answer is (c).

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