Discussion Forum : Binomial Theorem
Question -

If the coefficient of the middle term in the expansion of (1+x)2n+2 is p and the coefficients of middle terms in the expansion of (1+x)2n+1 are q and r, then

A .   p + q = r
B .   p + r = q
C .   p = q + r
D .   p + q + r = 0
Answer: Option C

Since (n+2)th term is the middle term in the 

expansion of (1+x)2n+2, therefore p = 2n+2Cn+1.

Since (n+1)th and (n+2)th terms are middle terms in the expansion of (1+x)2n+1,
therefore q = 2n+1Cn and r =2n+1C2n+1.

 But ,2n+1Cn +2n+1Cn+12n+2Cn+1

∴ q + r = p

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