Discussion Forum : P-block Group 15 - Pnictogens
Question -

Which of the following statements regarding the allotropes of Nitrogen are correct? Assume the pressure to be atmospheric pressure at all times

A .   Below 237.6C Nitrogen exists as the α-nitrogen
B .   Gaseous nitrogen condenses into the β-nitrogen form at 210.01C 
C .   As a gaseous diatomic molecule, Nitrogen does not have any allotropes at room temperature
D .   Nitrogen does not have any other allotropes under any circumstances
Answer: Option A
A, B, and C
Nitrogen atom is small in size and has the tendency to form pπpπ multiple bonds. In fact, the Nitrogen – Nitrogen triple bond in N2 molecule has very high thermodynamic stability with a dissociation energy of 942kJ.mol1. This and other molecular orbital considerations account for the lack of allotropes of Nitrogen under normal conditions. However, it would be wrong to say that Nitrogen doesn’t have allotropes at all.
Gaseous nitrogen condenses into the β-hcp form at 210.01C. On freezing further, at temperatures below 237.6C Nitrogen assumes the cubic α form. At room temperature and atmospheric pressure, gaseous N2 does not have any other allotropes.

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