Discussion Forum : Current Electricity
Question -

Seven resistors each of resistance 5 ohm are connected as shown in figure. The equivalent resistance between points A and B is 
Seven Resistors Each Of Resistance 5 Ohm Are Connected As Sh...

A .   1 ohm
B .   7 ohm
C .   35 ohm
D .   49 ohm
Answer: Option B

Seven Resistors Each Of Resistance 5 Ohm Are Connected As Sh...
The circuit can be redrawn as shown in figure. Let a bettery of emf E and of negligible resistance be connected as shown. The current in various branches are shown.Applying Kirchoff's second law to loops ACDA,CBDC and ADBGFA we have
equation (i) and (ii) give i2=3i12 and i3=i12. If R is the effective resistance between A and B
then R=Ei1+i2=2E5i1
from equation (iii) we have
R=2E5i1=235i15i1 2=7 Ohm

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