Discussion Forum : Current Electricity
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 A  100 W bulb B1 and two 60 W bulbs B2 and B3 are connected to a 250 V source as shown in figure. W1, W2and W3are the output powers of the bulbs B1, B2 and B3 respectively then 
 A  100 W Bulb B1 And Two 60 W Bulbs B2 And B3 Are Connec...

A .   W1> W2 = W3
B .   W1> W2> W3
C .   W1< W2 = W3
D .   W1< W2< W3
Answer: Option D

The resistances of bulbs B1,B2 and B3 respectively are 
R1v2w1=(250)2100=625 ohm
R2=(250)260=1042 ohm =R3
Voltage across B3 is V3= 250 V
Voltage across B1 is V1=VR1(R1+R2)=250× 625(625+1042)= 93.7 V
Voltage across B2 is V2=250−93.7=156.3 V
Power output W1=V2R1=(93.7)2625=14 W
W2=(156.3)21042 = 23 w
W3=(250)21042 = 60 w
Hence W1< W2< W3

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