Discussion Forum : Current Electricity
Question -

Eight cells marked 1 to 8 each of emf 5 V and internal resistance 0.2 ohm are connected as shown in figure. What is the reading of the ideal voltmeter V?
Eight Cells Marked 1 To 8 Each Of Emf 5 V And Internal Resis...

A .   40 V  
B .   20 V
C .   5 V   
D .   0
Answer: Option D

Eight Cells Marked 1 To 8 Each Of Emf 5 V And Internal Resis...

The emfs of cells connected in reverse polarity cancel each other. Hence cells marked 2, 3 and 4 together cancel the effect of cells marked 5, 6 and 7 and the circuit reduces to that shown in figure. Now cells 1 and 8 are in reverse polarity. Hence the voltmeter reading = 5 – 5 = 0 V

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