Discussion Forum : Complex Numbers
Question -

The complex numbers sinx+icos2x and cosx-isin2x are conjugate to each other for

A .   x = nπ
B .   x = (n+12)π
C .   x=0
D .   No value of x
Answer: Option D

sinx+icos2x and cosx-isin2xare conjugate to each other if sinx=cosx and cos2x=sin2x

Or     tan x = 1   ⇒ x   = π4,5π4,9π4, ..........            ...............(i)

And  tan 2x = 1 ⇒ 2x = π4,5π4,9π4, ..........

or                              x  =  π8,5π8,9π8, ..........           ...............(ii)

There exists no value of x common in (i) and (ii). Therefore there is no value of x for which the given complex numbers are conjugate.

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