Discussion Forum : Vector Algebra
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If the vectors a=(clog2x)^i6^j+2^k and b=(log2x)^i+2^j+3(clog2x)^k make an obtuse angle for any x(0,) then c belongs to

A .   (,0)
B .   (,43)
C .   (43,0)
D .   (43,)
Answer: Option C
For the vectors a and b to be inclined at an obtuse angle, we must have
a.b<0 for all x(0,) 
c(log2x)212+6c(log2x)<0 for all x(0,)
cy2+6cy12<0 for all yR, where y=log2x
c<0 and 36c2+48c<0c<0and c(3c+4)<0
c<0 and 43<c<0

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