Discussion Forum : Alcohols Phenols And Ethers
Question -

Choose correct option:-

A .   Acidic strength- Tertiary alcohol > Secondary alcohol > Primary alcohol
B .   Boiling point n-Butane > ethoxyethane > pentanal > pentan-1-ol
C .   Relative ease of dehydration of`alcohols- Primary > Secondary> Tertiary
D .   Electrophilic substitution reaction- Phenol > Benzene > p-nitrophenol
Answer: Option D

a) The acidic character of alcohols is due to the polar nature
of  O–H bond. An electron-releasing group (CH3 , C2H5) increases electron density on oxygen tending to decrease the polarity of O-H bond. This decreases the acid strength.
Acidic strength- Tertiary alcohol < Secondary alcohol < Primary alcohol
b) Alcohols have high boiling point due to hydrogen bonding. Aldehyde & ethers have high boiling points than alkanes due to polar-nature of C-O bond.
Boiling point order- n-Butane < ethoxyethane < pentanal < pentan-1-ol

c) Relative ease of dehydration of alcohols- Primary < Seconadary < Tertiary. 
Greater the no. of alkyl groups, more stable is the carbocation due to positive inductive effect.

d) In phenol, presence of O-H group strongly activates the aromatic ring towards electrophilic substitution reaction. Chloro group is weakly deactivating due to electronegative chlorine but o & p-director.
Due to nitro group, p-nitrophenol is strongly deactivating towards electrophilic substitution reaction.

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