Discussion Forum : Alcohols Phenols And Ethers
Question -

Choose Correct option:-

A .   Williamson's synthesis proceeds by SN2 attack of a nucleophile.
B .   Acidic dehydration of tertiary alcohols at low temperature gives ethers.
C .   Reaction of sodium tertiary butoxide with methyl bromide gives alkenes
D .   Boiling point of ether is greater than that of primary alcohol.
Answer: Option A

Acidic dehydration of primary alcohols at low temperature gives ethers due to less steric hindrance. The reaction follows SN1 pathway when the alcohol is secondary or tertiary. Reaction of sodium tertiary butoxide with methyl bromide gives t-butyl methyl ether, as the alkyl halide is primary and unhindered Boiling point of ether is less than that of primary alcohol due to absence of hydrogen bonding in ether.

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