Discussion Forum : Alcohols Phenols And Ethers
Question -

Choose correct option:-

A .   Carbon-Oxygen linkage bond length is shorter in phenol than in methanol
B .   Ethers are acidic in nature
C .   Bond angle in methyl alcohol is greater than 109 28
D .   Hydroboration-Oxidation of alkenes is in accordance with Markownikoff’s rule
Answer: Option A

The carbon– oxygen bond length (136 pm) in phenol is slightly less than that in methanol. This is due to
(i) partial double bond character on account of the conjugation of unshared electron pair of oxygen with the aromatic ring and
(ii) sp2 hybridised state of carbon to which oxygen is attached.

               Ethers are Lewis bases due to presence of lone pairs on oxygen atom. Bond angle in alcohols is slightly less than the tetrahedral angle (10928'). It is due to the repulsion between the unshared electron pairs of oxygen. Hydroboration-Oxidation of alkenes is in accordance with Anti-Markownikoff’s rule. The addition of borane to the double bond takes place in such a manner that the boron atom gets attached to the sp2 carbon carrying greater number of hydrogen atoms.

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