Discussion Forum : Center Of Mass
Question -

Two 20 kg cannon balls are chained together and fired horizontally with a velocity of 200 m/s from the top of a 30 m wall. The chain breaks during the flight of the cannon balls and one of them strikes the ground at t = 2 s, at a distance of 250 m from the foot of the wall, and 5 m to the right of the line of fire. Determine the position of the other cannon ball at that instant. Neglect the resistance of air.
Two 20 Kg Cannon Balls Are Chained Together And Fired horiz...

A .   (550, 20, -5)
B .   (250, 20, 5)
C .   (550, 10, -5)
D .   (550, 20, 0)
Answer: Option A
As no external force acts in z direction, hence z-coordinate of the centre of mas of the ball should be zero. To make z-coordinate zero other ball should fall symmetrically with respect to z-axis.
Hence, z-coordinate of other ball = –5 m.
The balls do not have any external force in x-direction. Hence in x-direction the centre of mass should move with constant velocity. X-coordinate of centre of mass at t=2s=200×2=400m
Hence, xCM=m1x1+m2x2m1+m2
Height fallen by centre of mass at t = 2s,
Hence, y-coordinate of centre of mass =3020=10m
Hence, yCM=m1y1+m2y2m1+m2

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