Discussion Forum : Binomial Theorem
Question -

If a and d are two complex numbers, then the sum

to (n+1) terms of the following series

aC0 - (a + d)C1 + (a + 2d)C2 - ........... is

A .   a2n
B .   na
C .   0
D .   None of these
Answer: Option C

We can write

aC0 - (a + d)C1 + (a + 2d)C2 - ........ upto (n+1) terms

=a(C0C1+C2........)+d(C1+2C23C3+......)            .............(i)

Again,(1x)n=C0C1x+C2x2.........+(1)nCnxn   ..........(ii)

Differentiating with respect to x,

n(1x)n1 = -C1 + 2C2x - .......... + (1)nCnnxn1     ......................(iii)

Putting x = 1 in (ii) and (iii), we get

C0 - C1 + C2 - ........ + (-1)nCn = 0

and -C1 + 2C2 - ........+(1)nn.Cn = 0

Thus the required sum to (n+1) terms, by (i)

= a.0 + d.0 = 0.

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