Discussion Forum : Trigonometric Functions
Question -

If acos3α+3acosαsin2α=m and

asin3α+3acos2αsinα=n, Then (m+n)23+(mn)23

is equal to

A .   2a2
B .   2a13
C .   2a23
D .   2a3
Answer: Option C

Adding and subtracting the given relation,

we get (m+n)=acos3α+3acosαsin2α

     + 3acos2α.sinα+asin3α

= a(cosα+sinα)3

and similarly (mn)=a(cosαsinα)3

Thus, (m+n)23+(mn)23
=a23 {(cosα+sinα)2+(cosαsinα)2}
=a23 [2(cos2α+sin2α)] = 2a23.

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