Discussion Forum : Binomial Theorem
Question -

In the expansion of (512+718)1024, the number of integral terms is

A .   128
B .   129
C .   130
D .   131
Answer: Option B

Here n = 1024 = 210, a power of 2, where as the 

power of 7 is  18 = 23

Now first term 1024C0(512)1024 = 5512 (integer)

And after 8 terms, the 9th term =  1024C8(512)1016 (718)8  = an integer

Again, 17th term =  1024C16(512)1008 (718)16  

                                 = An integer.
Continuing like this, we get an A.P. 1, 9, 17,..........., 1025,

because 1025th term = the last term in the expansion 

=  1024C1024(718)1024 = 7128 (an integer) 

If n is the number of terms of above A.P. we have 

1025 = Tn = 1 + (n - 1)8  ⇒ n = 129.

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