Discussion Forum : Mole Concept
Question -

Ordinary water contains one part of heavy water per 6000 parts by weight.The number of heavy water molecules present in a drop of water of volume 0.01 ml is (Density of water is 1 g/ml)

A .   2.5 × 1016
B .   2.5 × 1017
C .   5 × 1016
D .   7.5 × 1016
Answer: Option C

H2O6000                              D2O1

0.01                                     x

x = 1 × 0.016000 = 1.66 × 106

20gm  6.023 × 1023

1.66×106  x

x = 1.66 × 106 × 6.023 × 102320 = 5 × 1016

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