Discussion Forum : Mole Concept
Question -

Maximum number of atoms are present in

A .   11.2 litresof SO2at STP
B .   22.4 litres of Helium at STP
C .   2.0 g. of hydrogen
D .   11.2 litres of methane at STP
Answer: Option D

No. of atoms in 11.2 lit. of SO2 = 11.222.4 × NA × 3 = 1.5N

No. of Atoms in 2g H2 = 22 × NA × 2 = 2N

No. of Atoms in 22.4 lit. of He = 22.422.4 × NA = N

No. of Atoms in 11.2 lit of CH4 = 11.222.4 × NA × 5 = 2.5 N

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