Discussion Forum : Mole Concept
Question -

2VO + 3Fe2O3  6FeO + V2O5 If we start with 2g of VO and 5.75g of Fe2O3, which is the limiting reagent?

[V = 47.87g] [Fe = 55.85g]

A .   VO
B .   Fe2O3
C .   Fe2O
D .   V2O5
Answer: Option B

If you check, the reaction is already balanced 2 moles of VO = 3 moles of Fe2O3

2 × (47.87 + 16) = 3 × (2 × 55.85 + 3 × 16)

2(63.87)g = 3 × (159.7)g

127.74g of VO = 478.1g of Fe2O3

2g of VO = 2×478.1127.74 = 7.50g of Fe2O3

But only 5.75g of Fe2O3 is present.

This Fe2O3 will get used up in the reaction and is the limiting reagent.

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