Discussion Forum : Heat Transfer
Question -

Penguins huddling: To withstand the harsh weather of the Antarctic, emperor penguins huddle in groups. Assume that a penguin is a circular cylinder with a top surface area a =0.26 m2 and height h = 90 cm. Let Pr be the rate at which an individual penguin radiates energy to the environment (through the top and the sides); thus NPr is the rate at which N identical, well-separated penguins radiate. If the penguins huddle closely to form a huddled cylinder with top surface area Na and height h, the cylinder radiates at the rate Ph. If N = 1000, by what percentage does huddling reduce the total radiation loss?

A .   33%
B .   52%
C .   13%
D .   27%
Answer: Option D

Heat loss by individula penguin =σeApenguin(T4penguinT4environment)


Let, σe(T4penguinT4environment)=k

               Heat lost by 1000 penguins radiating far away from each other,Q1


Now, πr2penguin=0.26m2 or rpenguin=0.287 m

Also,                      πr2huddle=Napenguin=1000×0.26 or rhuddle=9.09m

Heat lost by hudle of [enguins,Q2


NOw, percentage of reduce in radiation loss is given by Q2Q1=(2pirhuddleh+2πr2huddle)×100/



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