Discussion Forum : Heat Transfer
Question -

An electric heater emits 1000 W of thermal radiation. The coil has a surface area of 0.020 m2. Assuming that the coil radiates like a blackbody, find its temperature. σ=6.00×108W/m2K4.

A .   955 deg C
B .   955 deg F
C .   955 K
D .   865 K
Answer: Option C

Let the temperature of the coil be T. The coil will emit radiation at a rate Aσ T4. Thus,

1000W =(0.020 m2)×(6.0×128W/m2K4)×T64

or,                                       T4=10000.020×6.00×108K4


or,                                            T=955 K.

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