Discussion Forum : Evaluating An Interface
Question - Read the passage and answer the following questions:Not only the smoker, but individuals surrounding him/her can be harmed by tobacco smoke. Children are put further at a risk since they are three times more likely to smoke if their parents do.As far as smokers are concerned one out of every two smokers, who start at a young age and continue smoking throughout their lives, will ultimately be killed by a tobacco related illness. With prolonged smoking, smokers have a death rate about three times higher than non smokers at all ages.Stopping smoking decreases health risks associated with tobacco use. It can decrease the burden of diseases such as heart or respiratory diseases. There are clear health benefits including longer life, even for those who quit smoking at the age of 60 and above.Those smokers who start smoking regularly at a young age 3 are less likely to stop it.
A .  If the inference is definitely true
B .  If the inference is probably true
C .  If the data are inadequate
D .  If the inference is probably false
E .  If the inference is definitely false
Answer: Option C

We have no information regarding the likelihood of stopping smoking by those who start early.

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