Discussion Forum : Evaluating An Interface
Question - Read the passage and answer the following questions:In a recently published report on the condition of health of women in India, it is reported that while sanitation in urban houses has improved by 70%, in rural areas it is still sanitary habits contribute greatly towards malnutrition which has retarded the growth of 50 million children in our country. 70% of the health related problems faced by the children of primary schools are due to insufficient sanitation. Polluted air and insanitary habits result in disease through which approximately 4 lakh children die every year.India's poverty is society responsible for the spreading of disease.
A .  If the inference is definitely true
B .  If the inference is probably true
C .  If the data are inadequate
D .  If the inference is probably false
E .  If the inference is definitely false
Answer: Option E

There may be other reasons as illiteracy, wrong planning, large population .. and many more for the spreading of disease. One of them - lack of sanitation - is clearly mentioned in the passage. Hence, because of the term 'society', we can catagorise it as Definitely False.

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