Discussion Forum : Instrumentation
Question - Two ammeters A1 and A2 measure the same current and provide readings I1 and I2 , respectively. The ammeter errors can be characterized as independent zero mean Gaussian random variables of standard deviations σ1 and σ2 , respectively. The value of the current is computed as : I = μ I1 + (1 - μ) I2 The value of μ which gives the lowest standard deviation of I is
A .  Ïƒ22/(σ12 + σ22)
B .  Ïƒ12/(σ12 + σ22)
C .  Ïƒ2/(σ12 + σ22)
D .  Ïƒ1/(σ12 + σ22)
Answer: Option A


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