Discussion Forum : True Discount
Question - The list price of a clock is Rs.160. A customer buys it for Rs.122.40 after two successive discounts. If first discount is 10%, the second is
A .  18%
B .  15%
C .  10%
D .  12%
Answer: Option B
Answer: (b)Marked price = Rs.160After 10% discountS.P = $90/100 × 160$ = Rs.144Let other discount = x%${(100 - x)}/100 × 144$ = Rs.122.40100 - x = $12240/144$100 - x = 85x = 100 - 85 = 15%Using Rule 3,S.P. = M.P.$({100 - D_1}/100)({100 - D_2}/100)$122.40 = 160$({100 - 10}/100)({100 - D_2}/100)$${1224000}/160 = 90 × ({100 - D_2}/1)$$1224000/{160 × 90} = 100 - D_2$$85 = 100 - D_2 ⇒ D_2$ = 15%

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