Discussion Forum : True Discount
Question - The price that Akbar should mark on a pair of shoes which costs him Rs.1,200 to gain 12% after allowing a discount of 16% (in rupees) is
A .  1,500
B .  1,600
C .  1,344
D .  1,433
Answer: Option B
Answer: (b)Let the marked price be x.$x × 84/100 = {1200 × 112}/100$$x × 84/100 = 112 × 12$$x = {112 × 1200}/84$ = Rs.1600Using Rule 6,C.P. = Rs.1200, r = 12%, D = 16%$\text"MP"/\text"CP" = {100 + r}/{100 - D}$$\text"MP"/1200 = {100 + 12}/{100 - 16}$M.P.= ${112 × 1200}/84$ = Rs.1600

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