Discussion Forum : Evaluating An Interface
Question - Read the passage and answer the following questions:India suffers from five major problems in dealing with the disabled persons who account for 10% of the country's total population.One may not be aware that one in every six persons in the world is an individual with disability, that more severely disabled people live in developing countries, that daily 2300 persons are added to the global population of persons with disabilities due to trauma and injury; and that between 1992 and 2025 the number of persons with disabilities in the world is expected to double. It is predicted that developed nations will record a 14% decrease while developing countries will show 47% increase by the end of 2025 A.D.India has developed perspective plan to reduce by 10% the number of cases of disabled persons.
A .  If the inference is definitely true
B .  If the inference is probably true
C .  If the data are inadequate
D .  If the inference is probably false
E .  If the inference is definitely false
Answer: Option C

The passage simply depicts the disability scenario. Remedy plans are not suggested.

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