Discussion Forum : Evaluating An Interface
Question - Read the passage and answer the following questions:The process of developmental planning in India is greatly dominated by the experts and the technocrats. But it was not always so. Among the initial stalwarts in the Indian planning process there were only a handful of economists. It was their political conviction and their preconceived political pattern of creating an economy and a society which gave them the specific stability in the path of development. Under the leadership of Indira Gandhi there was some change in the scenario and the reflection of electoral manifesto of the Congress Party was continually enhanced in the plans.In the planning procedure the common man is primary.
A .  If the inference is definitely true
B .  If the inference is probably true
C .  If the data are inadequate
D .  If the inference is probably false
E .  If the inference is definitely false
Answer: Option E

Definitely false

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