Discussion Forum : Subsidy And Food Processing
Question - Which one of the following is the main objective of the Farm Income Insurance Scheme?
A .  To provide income protection to the farmers by insuring market risks
B .  To provide income protection to the farmers by insuring production
C .  To provide income protection to the farmers by providing the insured seeds to farmers
D .  Both (a) and (b)
Answer: Option D
Answer: (d)
The Central Government formulated the Farm Income Insurance Scheme (FIIS) during 2003-04. The two critical components of a farmer’s income are yield and price. FIIS targeted these two components through a single insurance policy so that the insured farmer could get a guaranteed income.
The scheme provided income protection to the farmers by insuring production and market risks. The insured farmers were ensured minimum guaranteed income (that is, average yield multiplied by the minimum support price). If the actual income was less than the guaranteed income, the insured would be compensated to the extent of the shortfall by the Agriculture Insurance Company of India.
Initially, the scheme would cover only wheat and rice and would be compulsory for farmers availing crop loans. NAIS (explained in the section below) would be withdrawn for the crops covered under FIIS but would continue to be applicable for other crops.

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