Discussion Forum : Subsidy And Food Processing
Question - In India, agriculture income is calculated by
A .  input method
B .  expenditure method
C .  output method
D .  commodity flow method
Answer: Option C
Answer: (c)
In India, agriculture, forestry and logging, fishing, mining and quarrying, registered manufacturing and construction units are included in category A. The output method is applied to category A.
The value added by this category is found by subtracting the value of raw materials and other inputs from the aggregate of commodity-wise output.
Expenditure Method-This method measure National income sum total of final expenditure incurred by household, business firm, Govt. & Foreigners.
Commodity flow method - This method is used to estimate the purchase of commodities by intermediate or final users. This method generally begins with an estimate of the total supply of a commodity available for domestic users.

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