Discussion Forum : Physics
Question -

A particle move with a velocity `(5 hat(i) - 3 hat(j) + 6 hat (k))` m/s under the influence of a constant force

`vec(F) = 10 hat(i) + 10 hat(j) +  20 hat(k)`. The instantaneous power applied to the particle is

A .  200 j /sec
B .  40 j /sec
C .  140 j /sec
D .  170 j /sec
Answer: Option C

`because    vec(v) = (5 hat(i) - 3hat(j) + 6 hat(k)` m/s

                    `vec (F) = 10 hat(i) + 10 hat(j) + 20 hat(k)`

`:.`            power =` vec(F) * vec (v)`

                            = `(10hat(i) + 10 hat (j) + 20 hat (k)) * (5hat(i) - 3hat(j) + 6 hat(k))`

                        =    50 - 30 + 120 =  140 joule / sec 

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