Discussion Forum : Physics
Question -

Two blocks of mass `m_1` and `m_2` are connected by a massless spring and placed at smooth surface . The spring  initially stretched and released . Then

A .  the momentum of each particles remains consant separately
B .  the momentum of both bodies are same to each other
C .  the magnitude of momentum of both bodies are same to each other
D .  the mechanical energy of system remains constant
E .  both (C) and (D) are correct
Answer: Option E

Since , no external force is present on the system . So conservation principle of momentum is applicable .

`:.`           `vec(p_i) = vec(p_f) = vec (p_1) + vec(p_2)`

`:.`          ` vec (p_1) = - vec (p_2)`                                               (  `because    vec (p_i) = 0)`

`:.`         l`vec(p_1)`l =  l - `vec(p_2)`l

`:.`       `vec(p_1) = vec(p_2)`

From this point of view, it is clear that moments of both  particles are equal in magnitude but opposite in direction .

Also friction is absent . So total mechanical energy of system remains conserved .

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