Discussion Forum : Operators
Question -

Which two are equal?

  1. 32/4
  2. (8 >> 2) << 4
  3. 2^5
  4. 128 >>> 2
  5. 2 >> 5

A .  1 and 2
B .  2 and 4
C .  1 and 3
D .  2 and 3
Answer: Option B

(2) and (4) are correct. (2) and (4) both evaluate to 32. (2) is shifting bits right then left 

using the signed bit shifters >>and <<. (4) is shifting bits using the unsigned operator 

>>>, but since the beginning number is positive the sign is maintained.

(1) evaluates to 8, (3) looks like 2 to the 5th power, but ^ is the Exclusive OR operator 

so (3) evaluates to 7. (5) evaluates to 0 (2 >> 5 is not 2 to the 5th).

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