Discussion Forum : Reproduction In Organisms
Question - What are the different methods of asexual reproduction? [5 MARKS]
Each method: 1 Mark
The different methods of asexual reproduction are:
1. Fission - It is a process of asexualreproduction in which a single cell splits to form two identical, independent cells.
2. Fragmentation - Parent body divides into distinct pieces which grow into new individuals. E.g. alga.
3. Budding - This is a process which occurs in yeasts. A bud or an outgrowth develops on the parent body. Once it attains maturation, it detaches from the parent body (sometimes can remain attached) to form a new individual.
4. Spore formation - Spores are asexual reproductive bodies. Each spore is covered by a hard protective coat to withstand unfavourable conditions.Under favourable conditions, it germinates and develops into a new individual. E.g. fungi.
5. Vegetative propagation- It is a type of asexual reproduction in which vegetative parts of the plant (roots, stems, and leaves) are involved.

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