Discussion Forum : Neural Control And Coordination
Question - Identify the incorrect statement(s) regarding the components of PNS.
I. The nerves carrying impulses from CNS to peripheral system are Sensory nerves or Afferent nerves
II. The nerves carrying impulses from peripheral system to CNS are Motor nerves or Afferent nerves
III. Sensory system coordinates auditory, visual, touch receptors etc.
IV. Motor system coordinates impulses towards effector organs.
A .  I and II
B .  III and IV
C .  I and III
D .  II and IV
Answer: Option A
In reference to the statements; I and II are incorrect because :
1. Afferent nerve fibres carry impulses from the receptors to the CNS. They are also called sensory nerves because they bring in sensory information to the CNS.
2. Efferent nerve fibres conduct nerve impulses from the CNS to the effector organs such as muscles and glands. They are also called motor nerves because they carry information from the CNS for motor response.

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