Discussion Forum : Microbes In Human Welfare
Question - An apprentice of a baker fails to get the soft and fluffy texture of bread as his master does in his first attempt at making bread. What could be the likely reason, considering that he baked the bread for as long as his master did?
A .  The apprentice did not bake the bread at the right temperature
B .  The bread dough was not made from good quality wheat
C .  The bread dough did not have enough water, making it hard
D .  The bread dough did not ferment properly before baking
Answer: Option D
For bread to become soft and fluffy, the dough must undergo fermentation. When the bread dough ferments, some amount of carbon dioxide is released by the action of yeast on the sugars which creates a lot of gas bubbles in the dough. When baked, these gas bubbles appear as holes in the bread and make the bread fluffy and light.

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