Discussion Forum : Microbes In Human Welfare
Question - Which of the following is a microbial insecticide?
A .  Bacillus polymixa
B .  Bacillus subtilis
C .  Bacillus thuringiensis
D .  Bacillus brevis
Answer: Option C
Insecticides are a type of pesticides which are used to kill insect pests which affect the growth of crops.Microbial insecticides battle damag causing insects by enlisting the aid of microscopic, living organisms like viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoa, or nematodes. Bacillus thuringiensis is a microbial insecticide as it is a bacterium used specifically to kill the insect pest cotton ballworm. B.subtilis is used to provide faster release of rock phosphate and enhance phosphate release to the crop throughout the whole growing season. Hence it is used in seed and soiltreatment. B.polymixa and B. brevis do not have any such major property which can be used to increase agricultural productivity.

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