Discussion Forum : Reproductive Health
Question - Which is the correct order of discovery from oldest to most recent of these IUDs?
A .  Lippes loop, Copper-T, Mirena, Grafenberg ring
B .  Mirema, Copper-T, Lippes loop, Grafenberg ring
C .  Grafenberg ring, Lippes loop, Copper-T, Mirena
D .  Copper-T, Grafenberg ring, Lippes loop , Mirena
Answer: Option C
The correct order of discovery from oldest to most recent of the IUDS are Grafenberg ring, Lippes loop, Copper-T, Mirena. The German gynecologist, Ernst Grafenberg, was the first to investigate intrauterine contraception on a scientific basis.In 1929 he published his studies of the "Grafenberg ring", the first IUD for which there are usage records. Then came the IUD developed by Jack Lippes, who helped begin the increase of IUD use.His trapezoid shaped Lippes Loop IUD became one of the most popular first-generation IUDs.
The next in the order are thecopper IUDs which were invented in the 1960s and brought with it the capital 'T' shaped design used by most modern IUDs.Finally the hormonal IUD was discovered, one of which is Mirena released in 1976 and is still in use.

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