Discussion Forum : General Principles And Process Of Isolation Of Elements
Question - Froth floatation can be applied to non-sulphide ores.
A .  True
B .  False
C .  Ni(CO)4 Δ−→ Ni+4CO
D .  ZrI4 Δ−→ Zr+2I2
Answer: Option A
The underlying principle behind the process is differential wettability of ore and matrix. In other words, if by adding suitable reagents, ore and gangue can be wetted differentially, then this method can be applied to non-sulphide ores as well.
For example,
The activator Na2S is added to Malachite CuCO3.Cu(OH)2 so that a coating of CuS is formed around ore particles, such that the ore is now conducive for froth floatation. Na2S can also be added to anglesite PbSO4 so that the ore can be dressed using froth floatation.

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