Discussion Forum : Chemical Equilibrium
Question - In a reaction A+2B  2C; 2 moles ofA, 3 mole of B and 2 mole of C are placed in a 2 L flask and the equilibrium concentration of C is 0.5 mole/L. The equilibrium constant K for the reaction is:
A .  0.073
B .  0.147
C .  0.05
D .  0.026
Answer: Option C
K=(0.5)2/(1.25×(2)2)=0.05 Note that concentration of C has decreased, i.e., to attain equilibrium, reaction has shifted backwards. Decrease in conc. of C will be 0.5mol/L and hence increase in concentration of B will be 0.5mol/L and that of A will be 0.25mol/L

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