Discussion Forum : Chemical Kinetics
Question - In the reaction, P + Q ⟶ R + S
the time taken for 75% reaction of P is twice the time taken for 50% reaction of P. The concentration of Q varies with reaction time as shown in the figure. The overall order of the reaction is
In The Reaction, P + Q ⟶ R + Sthe Time Taken For 75% React...
A .  2
B .  3
C .  0
D .  1
Answer: Option D
Overall order of reaction can be decided by the data given t75=2t50
∴ It is a first order reaction with respect to P.
From graph [Q] is linearly decreasing with time, i.e., order of reaction w.r.t. Q is zero and the rate expression is r=[P]1[Q]0.
Therefore 1 is the right answer.

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