Discussion Forum : Chemical Equilibrium
Question - Which of the following is incorrect about the following reaction –
2SO2(g) + O2(g)  2SO3(g)  H = 45 kCal
A .  High pressure will be favorable for production of SO3 .
B .  High temperature will favor forward reaction.
C .  Decreasing  SO3  concentration will reduce the rate of backward reaction.
D .  Doubling the volume of container while keeping temperature same, will shift the equilibrium in reverse direction.
Answer: Option B
a) Increasing pressure favors the reaction in the direction in which no. of moles decreases. As number of moles is decreasing in forward direction, hence increasing pressure will favor the production of SO3
b) Increasing temperature favors endothermic reaction. Here forward reaction is exothermic; hence high temperature will not favor forward reaction.
c) k[SO3]Hence it will decrease on reducing conc. of SO3
d) Increasing the volume reduces the pressure. Hence it will favor backward reaction in this case as number of moles is increasing in backward direction.

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