Discussion Forum : Mole Concept
Question - An analytic balance has uncertainty In measurement equal to ±1 mg. Then report the result in terms of percentage if the weight of a compound is
(a) 1 g
(b) 10 g
(c) 100 g
A .  1±0.1%;10±0.01%;100 ±0.001%
B .  1±0.2%;10 ±0.02%;100 ±0.002%
C .  1±0.1%;10 ±0.1%;100 ±0.1%
D .  1±0.2%;10 ±0.2%;100 ±0.002%
Answer: Option A
(a) 1±0.1% (b) 10±0.01% (c) 100±0.001%
The uncertainty in measurement is expressed in terms of percentage by putting ± sign before it, e.g., 150±1%, et. Smaller the quantity to be measured, greater is the percentage uncertainty, and the instrument should be more precise for the measurement of smaller quantities.

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