Discussion Forum : Themes In Indian History Ii Medieval History
Question - Q. With reference to the “amara nayakas” in the Vijaynagar empire, consider the following statements:

  1. They were military commanders who were given territories to govern by the raya.

  2. They were employed by the Vijayanagar rulers for revenue collection.

Which of the statements given above is /are correct?
A .  1 only
B .  Both 1 and 2
C .  2 only
D .  Neither 1 nor 2
Answer: Option B
Statement 1 is correct: The amara-nayaka system was a major political innovation of the Vijayanagara Empire. It is likely that many features of this system were derived from the iqta system of the Delhi Sultanate. The amara-nayakas were military commanders who were given territories to govern by the raya.
Statement 2 is correct: They collected taxes and other dues from peasants, craftspersons and traders in the area. They retained part of the revenue for personal use and for maintaining a stipulated contingent of horses and elephants. These contingents provided the Vijayanagara kings with an effective fighting force with which they brought the entire southern peninsula under their control. Kings occasionally asserted their control over them by transferring them from one place to another.

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