Discussion Forum : Themes In Indian History Ii Medieval History
Question - Q. Who among the following foreign travellers asserted that there were only two classes in Indian society, the rich and the poor and “There is no middle state in India”?
A .  François Bernier
B .  Pelsaert
C .  Al Beruni
D .  Abdur Razak
Answer: Option A
François Bernier, a Frenchman, was a doctor, political philosopher and historian. He was in India for twelve years, from 1656 to 1668, and was closely associated with the Mughal court, as a physician to Prince Dara Shukoh, the eldest son of Emperor Shah Jahan, and later as an intellectual and scientist, with Danishmand Khan, an Armenian noble at the Mughal court.
Bernier described Indian society as consisting of undifferentiated masses of impoverished people, subjugated by a small minority of a very rich and powerful ruling class. Between the poorest of the poor and the richest of the rich, there was no social group or class worth the name. Bernier confidently asserted: “There is no middle state in India.”

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