Discussion Forum : Themes In Indian History Ii Medieval History
Question - Q. With reference to the Mughal Mansabdari system, consider the following statements:

  1. It was originally designed by Akbar.

  2. The mansabdars were appointed to perform military functions only.

  3. The mansabdars of higher ranks were called as Umara.

Which of the statements given above is /are correct?
A .  1 only
B .  1 and 3 only
C .  3 only
D .  1, 2, and 3
Answer: Option C
Statement 1 is incorrect: The Mansabdari system was a unique system of administration developed by Mughals in India. It was originally a system introduced by ‘Khalifa’ Abba Saiyed and thereafter imported into India.
Statement 2 is incorrect: The Mansabdars were employed for both civil and military administration. The Mansabdars held two designations: zat which was an indicator of position in the imperial hierarchy and the salary of the official (mansabdar), and sawar which indicated the number of horsemen he was required to maintain in service.
Statement 3 is correct: In the seventeenth century, mansabdars of 1,000 zat or above were ranked as nobles (umara, which is the plural of amir ). The nobles participated in military campaigns with their armies and also served as officers of the empire in the provinces.
There was an elaborate process for appointment of Mansabdars.Tajwiz was a petition presented by a nobleman to the emperor, recommending that an applicant be recruited as mansabdar .The system in theory was open to all but preference was given to the rulers and nobles of defeated states, royal lineages however many talented men from humble background also became Mansabdars.

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