Discussion Forum : Introduction To Indian Art Part - I
Question - Q. Which among the following options correctly depict the structural elements of a Buddhist Stupa  from the base of a stupa to its height:
A .  Hermika  - Medhi - Anda- Chhatri
B .  Anda - Hermika - Chhatri - Medhi
C .  Medhi - Anda - Harmika- Chhatri
D .  Medhi - Hermika - chhatri - Anda
Answer: Option C
Stupas were constructed over the relics of the Buddha. Besides architecture, stupas are significant for the depiction of various Jataka stories and sculptural reliefs. Many of the well-known stupas are located in Sanchi, Bairat, Bharhut, Amravati, Devnimori, etc.
The stupa originated as a simple semi-circular earth mound, later called anda. Gradually, it evolved into a more complex form, combining round and square shapes. The harmika, a balcony-like structure that depicted the abode of the gods, stood above the anda.A mast called the yashti, often surmounted by a chhatri or an umbrella, rose from the harmika. There was a railing around the mountain, separating sacred space from secular space.
Q. Which Among The Following Options Correctly Depict The S...

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