Discussion Forum : Introduction To Indian Art Part - I
Question - Q. Which one of the following is not correct about  pottery  in the  Indus valley,
A .  The pottery is largely wheel made.
B .  Plain pottery is more common than the painted ware.
C .  Perforated pottery is also found at various places.
D .  Polychrome pottery is found in abundant numbers.
Answer: Option D
Indus Valley pottery consists mostly of very fine wheel-made products, very few of which are hand-made. Plain pottery is more popular than painted pottery. Plain pottery is usually red clay, with or without a fine red or gray slip. Polychrome pottery is rare and consists mostly of small vases decorated with geometric patterns in red, black and green, sometimes white and yellow.
The incised ware is also rare, and the incised decoration was confined to the bases of the pots, often inside, and to the dishes of the offering stalls. Perforated pottery has a wide hole at the bottom and small holes all over the wall, which was presumably used to strain liquor.Pottery for domestic purposes can be found in as many shapes and sizes as could be built for everyday practical use. Straight and circular forms are an exception, while graceful curves are the standard.

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