Discussion Forum : Introduction To Indian Art Part - I
Question - Q. This cave site has monasteries associated with Jainism, Buddhism and Brahmanism.It is known for its diverse sculptural themes like ‘Ravana shaking mount kailash’  and a unique multi storied monolithic rock cut temple.The place indicated here is:
A .  Ellora
B .  Ajanta
C .  Elephanta
D .  Karla
Answer: Option A
Ellora is located about a hundred kilometers from Ajanta and has thirty-two Buddhist, Brahmanic and Jain caves. It is a rare art-historical site in the country as it has monasteries affiliated with the three religions from the 5th century BC to the 11th century BC.
The sculptures at Ellora are monumental, among the Shaivite themes, Ravana shaking Mount Kailash, Andhakasurvadha, Kalyanasundara are profusely depicted, while the various Vishnu avatars are depicted among the Vaishnavite themes.
Several guilds came from different locations, such as Vidarbha, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu, and carved the sculptures. It is the most diverse location in India in sculptural types.
Cave No. 16 is known as the Kailash leni. The rock-cut Kailash Temple, inspired by Mount Kailash, was carved out of a single rock. It is considered to be the largest single monolithic excavation in the world . It was built in the 8th century by King Krishna I of Rashtrakuta.

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