Discussion Forum : India - People And Economy
Question - Q. Consider the following statements

  1. Groundnut is cultivated only as a kharif crop. 

  2. Soyabean is mostly grown in Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra.

  3. Rapeseed and mustard are frost sensitive crops. 

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
A .  1 and 2 only
B .  2 and 3 only
C .  1 and 3 only
D .  1, 2 and 3
Answer: Option B
Statement 1 is incorrect: India produces about 14.9 per cent of the total groundnut production in the world (2014). It is largely a rainfed kharif crop of drylands. But in southern India, it is cultivated during rabi season as well.
Note: The crops which are sown in the rainy season are called kharif crops. The rainy season in India is generally from June to September. The crops grown in the winter season (October to March) are called rabi crops.
Statement 2 is correct: Soyabean is mostly grown in Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra. These two states together produce about 90 per cent of total output of soyabean in the country.
Statement 3 is correct: Rapeseed and mustard comprise several oilseeds as rai, sarson, toria and taramira. These are subtropical crops cultivated during rabi season in north-western and central parts of India. These are frost sensitive crops and their yields fluctuate from year to year. Crop plants that develop in tropical climates, often experience serious frost damage when exposed to temperature slightly below zero, whereas most crops that develop in colder climates often survive.

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