Discussion Forum : India - People And Economy
Question - Q. Consider the following statements 

  1. Cotton is a tropical crop grown in the kharif season. 

  2. Cotton requires a light rainfall during the flowering stage.

  3. India grows only short staple (Indian) cotton.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
A .  1 only
B .  2 and 3 only
C .  1 and 3 only
D .  3 only
Answer: Option A
Statement 1 is correct: Cotton is a tropical crop grown in the kharif season in semi-arid areas of the country. There are three cotton growing areas: Parts of Punjab, Haryana and northern Rajasthan in north-west, Gujarat and Maharashtra in the West and plateaus of Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu in South.
Statement 2 is incorrect: Cotton requires a clear sky during the flowering stage. Per hectare output of cotton is high under irrigated conditions in north-western regions of the country. Its yield is very low in Maharashtra where it is grown under rainfed conditions.
Statement 3 is incorrect: India grows both short staple (Indian) cotton as well as long staple (American) cotton called ‘narma’ in north-western parts of the country.

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